When making hiring decisions at every level, information is the key to success. When you select your business partner in this process, why would you work with anyone but the best? The big question is how do you make sure that you are selecting the best partner for your organization? A simple list like the one below of what to look for can go a long way of avoiding mistakes in the selection process:
Just because a company brags that they are the “industry leader” or “The biggest” is not a reason to select them. In fact, we believe that is a good reason not to select them. In most cases a midsized company like Asset Control is a better solution. Here’s why; Have a concern about how to decipher a record? Big providers will run you through a maze of voice mail, emails and callbacks. With us, you will have access to Senior Management directly as we do not employ voicemail during business hours. Do you want your provider to be able to customize the process to fit your organizations unique requirements? The biggest providers can’t be bothered with that. We can and we do! Multiple solutions for each area in the process are available to you, our valued client including AppMagic, our unique feature which makes the entire process paperless. We can accommodate varied search, reporting and billing requirements. We can also interface with most Applicant Tracking vendors, even if we are not on their “list”. Plus, like the bigger providers, we offer Drug Testing, Occupational Screenings and an I-9 solution so we are a 1 stop shop too.
Knowledge of Federal, State and Local Regulatory requirements is critical to stay compliant and avoid litigation. We are fully in tune and current with the ever changing climate of regulatory action regarding Employment Screening. Ban the Box, Adverse Action, FCRA and CFPB mandates, we work in these are areas every day. Not only do we understand the process, we understand how and why they were put in place. To keep you up to speed, we offer free live compliance training to clients and future clients monthly and we have often run special seminars or webinars to address specific issues for specific areas and organizations.
Everyone wants their results immediately (if not sooner). We understand this, and while that is great for speeding the hiring process it often contributes to making poor hiring decisions. Beware of screening vendors making unrealistic claims on turnaround, they are just, well, unrealistic. That is not to say that it should take weeks to complete a background check. Our searches, depending on complexity typically are returned to the client within 48-72 hours. Our global turnaround time is posted on our website every day. We search court records, which often requires additional examination by our knowledgeable team to weed out false, incomplete or incorrect information. Unlike many of our competitors who just put whatever they get from the court into their reports, often in codes or abbreviations you can’t read, we actually go through the records and where needed consult the court directly for clarification. This helps avoid errors that could potentially result in either hiring the wrong person or not hiring the right one.
We are not normally the lowest price. However, we are usually pretty close. If you have read this far about us you have no doubt realized that we do more than our competitors to make sure you get the best screening solution possible. We are about value. We do things the right way, we are compliant with all Federal, State and Local laws. We acquire our information directly from the court or regulatory agency. Our verification process for Employment, Education and referencing are done in house by our professional, well trained and capable staff. We don’t outsource our work or house our data overseas like most of the big screening companies. Your company and your employees personal data is not at risk with us. Our HIPAA-compliant servers protect your data to the highest standards in the industry.
Background checks should be used to confirm a hiring decision, not make one. You, as the Hiring Manager or HR Executive are able to fit the best candidate to the job and are best qualified to determine this. The background check should be considered a confirmation tool by verifying the candidate has been honest and truthful in their declarations.
We would like you to consider making Asset Control your partner for Employment Screening. If during the selection process, you want to see what the other companies have to offer, then use the above to form a questionnaire for evaluation. Don’t take a screening companies word for it, ask for references and ask them these questions as well. Meet your standards of due diligence and make the right decision. If you do this you will partner with the right company for your organization. I am confident that in most situations that will be us.
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