Asset Control

... Background Screening FAST ...


Search Results

There are 1 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Pre-Adverse Action".

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1. What is Adverse Action . . . And why is it important to me (you)?

Adverse Action - a few sentences here that summarize this article. Why should I read this? Pull me in. Key words should be included to help with Google search placement. Also, make good use of TAGS for this article. This will help folks find content, and it will help with Google placement.

Tags: Business, Adverse Action, Pre-Adverse Action
Russ Rosenberg

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North Texas Food Bank has been using Asset Control's background check services for several years now. We are excited to use a product that provides the necessary pre-employment information our organization requires. We are confident that the information Asset Control provides is reliable, and we will continue to use its services. The service is quite economical and the turnaround time is exceptional.

- La Shonda R. Jackson, Human Resources Director
North Texas Food Bank


Interested?  Concerned about your current process? 
Don’t hesitate to contact us.  We can help. 

P.O. Box M
Ligonier, PA 15658